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Seasonal Flu Shots

Writer's picture: JenCatlothJenCatloth

KEA Advisors is encouraging all employees receive a season flu shot, here is some information regarding coverage, recommendations and timing of flu shots from the CDC.

BCBS offers 100% coverage of flu shots as long as you go to an in-network provider or pharmacy, if going to a pharmacy, you need to confirm that it is a “Vaccine Pharmacy”. Use the links below to confirm.

Seasonal Flu Shot Info:

From the CDC regarding who and when you should receive the seasonal flu vaccine.

Groups Recommended for Vaccination

  • Routine annual influenza vaccination is recommended for all persons aged ≥6 months who do not have contraindications.

  • A licensed vaccine appropriate for age and health status should be used. Consult package information for age indications.

  • Emphasis should be placed on vaccination of high-risk groups and their contacts/caregivers. When vaccine supply is limited, vaccination efforts should focus on delivering vaccination to (no hierarchy is implied by order of listing):

    • Children aged 6 through 59 months

    • Adults aged ≥50 years

    • Persons with chronic pulmonary (including asthma), cardiovascular (excluding isolated hypertension), renal, hepatic, neurologic, hematologic, or metabolic disorders (including diabetes mellitus)

    • Persons who are immunocompromised due to any cause, including (but not limited to) medications or HIV infection

    • Women who are or will be pregnant during the influenza season

    • Children and adolescents (aged 6 months through 18 years) receiving aspirin- or salicylate-containing medications who might be at risk for Reye syndrome associated with influenza

    • Residents of nursing homes and long-term care facilities

    • American Indians/Alaska Natives

    • Persons who are extremely obese (BMI ≥40 for adults)

    • Caregivers and contacts of those at risk:

      • Health care personnel, including all paid and unpaid persons working in health-care settings who have potential for exposure to patients and/or to infectious materials, whether or not directly involved in patient care;

      • Household contacts and caregivers of children aged ≤59 months (i.e., <5 years), particularly contacts of children aged <6 months, and adults aged ≥50 years;

      • Household contacts and caregivers of persons with medical conditions associated with increased risk of severe complications from influenza.

Timing of Vaccination

  • Vaccine should be administered by the end of October, but vaccination should continue to be offered as long as influenza viruses are circulating locally and unexpired vaccine is available.

  • Vaccination too early in the season (e.g., July or August) may lead to suboptimal immunity later in the season, particularly among older adults.

  • Children aged 6 months through 8 years who require 2 doses (see Figure) should receive their first dose as soon as possible after vaccine becomes available, and the second dose ≥4 weeks later.


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